Award Winning
Kayak Tours


award 2024 Finalists Australian Tourism Award For Eco-Tourism
Northshore Sydney

award 2022 NSW Tourism Award
Gold winners for Ecotourism

Our Membership – Paddle Australia

Our Membership – Paddle Australia

Paddle Australia is the national governing body responsible for the management, co-ordination development and promotion of paddling in Australia.

Members — PaddleNSW

Members — PaddleNSW

PaddleNSW is the state organisation for all paddlesports and recreational paddling in NSW and the ACT. Empowering the NSW paddling community to care for and improve our environment they bring together paddlers and environmental groups to care for the rivers, oceans and lakes that we paddle on.

Quality tourism accredited business

Australian Tourism Accreditation certifies tourism businesses that meet specific quality assurance criteria, ensuring they are committed to exceeding consumer expectations with great customer service and the highest standards of business practices.

Sydney by Kayak have reached Level 2—Sustainable Tourism accreditation and also hold Eco Star accreditation.

Eco-Tourism Accredited

We’re proudly certified through Ecotourism Australia’s world leading ecotourism certification program. This means that when you kayak with us, you are supporting a business that is backed by a strong, well-managed commitment to sustainable practices and provides high-quality, nature-based tourism experiences.

Our certification demonstrates our commitment to:

  1. Looking after our natural environmen
  2. Offering quality interpretation and educating paddlers
  3. Supporting and engaging our local community
  4. Reducing our carbon footprint
  5. Protecting our unique wildlife and endangered species
  6. Making real contributions to conservation
  7. Helping to preserve Australian Indigenous cultures
  8. Providing an unforgettable, high-quality, 5-star experience

The Ecotourism Australia Certification programs are recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)

Frequently Asked Questions

View the entire FAQ

What if I haven’t kayaked before?

What do I need to bring?

Do you have double kayaks?

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